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V4 + Germany

Implementing the European Green Deal (EGD) - Opportunities and Challenges

Project description

The EGD is the EU's main new growth strategy to shift the EU economy towards a sustainable economic model. This is a much more complex question as could be observed in former approaches on the European level, where environmental problems were often just one part of the analysis. The overarching goal of the EGD, unveiled in December 2019, is to make the EU the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, leading to a cleaner environment, more renewable energy, smarter transport, new jobs, and overall better quality of life. The main asset of the EGD is its coordinated multi-sectoral approach (industry, energy, transport, agriculture, education, etc.) as well as its recognition of the social dimension of the sustainability transition. The EGD poses a common challenge, but institutional and social framework conditions and national implementation strategies differ throughout the region.

Against this backdrop, our project aims to contribute to the exchange on various dimensions of the EGD and to a discussion among political actors, experts from the V4 countries and from Germany as well as representatives of the younger generation of these countries who will bear a major part of the burden of climate change. Therefore they have to play an important role in building a broad societal consensus on the best implementation of the EGD at the national, regional, and sub-national levels in our countries. In sum, the project enables a timely discussion on the policy dimension and the inter-generational dialogue.

AUB is planning a conference with partners in view of the Hungarian Presidency of the V4. We connect young citizens and representatives from politics, academia, business, and civil society from all V4 countries and Germany to exchange ideas and discuss how to implement the EGD. Thereby we focus on the multi-level governance processes. Besides this policy aspect, it is also necessary to debate how we can reach a societal consensus to implement the necessary measures in different contexts. The results will be published in a brochure and presented to the public in an online event.

The main conference was held between 22-24th of June, 2022, for further details please follow the link below:

More information about the conference

The results of the conference were published in a booklet which can be found under THIS link.

Our project partners

The project is supported by the Visegrad Fund and will be realized with Slovak, Czech and Polish partners:  

Pan-European University (Slovakia)  

Metropolitan University Prague (Czech Republic) 

Institute of Public Affairs, IPA (Poland)


The project is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.

Projektvezető(k): Dr. KREFT Heinrich
Projektmunkatárs(ak): Dr. KURZE Kristina
Szakterületek: Inter- und transdisziplinäre Forschung, Politikatudomány
Projekt téma: Forschungsschwerpunkt 1: Europäische Integrationsprozesse
Projekt státusza: Befejeződött
Projekt kezdete: 2022. február 1.
Befejezés dátuma: 2023. március 31.
Helyszín - Andrássy Egyetem Budapest
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